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- We will now start accepting applications for musicians at our email:

English :

Japanese :


*We will make our final decisions around December and may not reply to your application untill late October/November

*If you are a traveling band from abroad and MUST confirm many months in advance, you may mention this in your application and we will take it into consideration.  If we absolutely LOVE your sound we may consider booking you early, but in general we prefer to wait to give all applicants a chance.`

*Sorry, we do NOT accept DJs/ non -"live" (no singers or instruments) /mainly electronic / or cover bands (please have original music),

**** if you have an FB account please send us one message our FB page from the personal FB account(s) that you can most easily be contacted at with your band name and the words: Applied Musician


*Both weekends are often filled very fast so being available to play on weekdays will increase your chances of being accepted.

Please ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS in ORDER in your application.

1. NAME of band.

2. GENRE of Music

3. WHERE is the BAND from? (If you are from multiple countries you can write  "International-(where you practice/perform usually)."  eg. "International-Chiangmai"

4. Did you attend Shambhala before? (Y --> how many years? /N)

5. Did you PERFORM at Shambhala before?                        (Y-->Details, years, stage / N)

6. FULL NAMES of all the members in the band and WHAT INSTRUMENT(s) they play  (If you are confirmed we will need this information for your guest passes so might as well give it to us now)

7. DATES you will be attending the festival. (We will decide your performance day from this, the more dates you give us the better chance you have of being selected)

8. Will you play on the Afternoon Stage if the Main stage is full?

9. At least ONE personal FB account to contact you at (NOT YOUR BAND account because we cant sent group messages to band accounts).  If you do not use FB, the most reliable way to contact you.

10. Links to your music being played. Preferably LIVE.  Youtube/Soundcloud/etc.  


*IMPORTANT* - You should receive an automated reply from us confirming we received your email application.  If you did not receive the reply something might have gone wrong with the email so please try to send again or contact us on FB.  Thank you!!<3

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